Tag: bad date

annoyed woman

Tips for when dating is driving you crazy

Dating is one of the most stressful things that people can do. Well, I hear this is the case for some people. Maybe you are one, maybe you know someone’s whose nerves are shot by the prospect of having a thriving romantic life. If this anxiety doesn’t stop you from

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getting stood up

Getting stood up – a plea

Getting stood up is never nice. It doesn’t matter if you’re dating or if its platonic. However with friends you can either check in and be like, is everything okay? If they don’t answer, I might suggest going round, seeing if they are okay or texting their neighbour or a

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bad date

Every rude thing men have said to me on dates

If you are unfortunate enough to be attracted to men, you don’t need me to tell you how horrible dating them is. They are the worst. There’s a whole cottage industry dedicated to making this exact point. The market is a crowded one. There’s almost nothing one could add that

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